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December 04, 2006
AskCity Has Arrived!
AskCity local search, Our latest and greatest product, hit the streets as of the wee hours this morning, and we couldn't be happier.
Look for a more detailed post about AskCity later today, but in the meantime:
- Check out this podcast about it from WebmasterRadio.FM, available for a limited time.
- Go to the Ask.com home page and try it out! Just click on the AskCity link in the tool bar.
And welcome.
--The Ask.com Team
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» AskCity local search debuts from Mima Search Marketing
This morning Ask unveiled its new solution for local search and its called AskCity. They market this new search solution as 4 search engines in 1 combining the following target searches.
Maps Directions
A... [Read More]
Tracked on Dec 4, 2006 9:17:18 AM
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