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March 01, 2007

March Smart Answers

And the Smart Answers just keep on coming! Check out our latest ones, not to mention a few you won't want to start March without:

Recently Added Smart Answers

-Presidential Candidates. Who's running? What's the latest news? Find out here.
-U.S. Senators and Representatives. Find out who's representing your state and get bios on each one.
-March Madness. Foam-finger office-pool-betting bracket-y good times are just ahead! (We also have Smart Answers for your favorite teams).
-Children's books. Check our our Smart Answer for the International Children's Digital Library.
-New and improved Abe Lincoln and Shakespeare Smart Answers. Now with links to entire online libraries of their work.

Smart Answers for Important March Dates

3/2; Texas Independence Day. Also Dr. Seuss's birthday.
3/3: Alexander Graham Bell's birthday, 1847.
3/4: Purim begins.
3/5: John Belushi & Patsy Cline die. Yet Andy Gibb is born. Where is the justice?
3/9: The Notorious B.I.G. dies.
3/11: Daylight Saving Time begins.
3/14: Einstein's birthday.
3/17: St. Patrick's Day. Got plans yet?
3/22: William Shatner's birthday. That's right, people: 1931.
3/24: Harry Houdini's birthday
3/25: Aretha's & Elton's birthdays.
3/27: FDA approves Viagra back in 1998. Pfizer probably flies their flags at full mast today.
3/31: Oscar-favorites Al Gore & Christopher Walken celebrate birthdays.


As an added bonus, please enjoy these Brit-specific Smart Answers from our UK office:

3/1: St. David's Day.
3/18: Mothering Sunday, AKA UK Mother's Day.

Plus, there's all the March UK sporting events you can shake a wicket at: The Cricket World Cup, the conclusion of the Rugby Union Six Nations Championship, the start of Formula One 2007 and more.

Ask.com: we're coming in like a lion, and going out like…well, another lion. A bigger one. Happy March!

--The Ask.com Smart Answers team

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