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August 22, 2007
SES San Jose LIVE / Upcoming Panels with Peter Linsley
Here's a quick plug for a few Ask.com panels that feature our Sr. Product Manager, Peter Linsley, from Peter himself. Check out this schedule for all the remaining Ask.com panels.
One of the many fun parts of my job is reviewing websites for how they are structured, what content they offer, how users interact with them and most of all, what kind of new and interesting spam tactics might be lurking under the hood. These are all important factors that directly affect your ability to get crawled, indexed and ultimately rank in our search engine.
I'll be on three panels at SES San Jose, covering some of the more important aspects of basic good SEO:
Wednesday, August 22:
Duplicate Content & Multiple Site Issues
Search Engine Q&A On Links
Thursday August 23:
Meet the Crawlers
These Q&A heavy sessions provide a great chance to get up to speed and have all your questions surrounding these issues directly addressed. I'll be milling around the other presentations at the conference so don't hesitate to stop me if you have any specific questions regarding your site and Ask.com
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