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So. You're reading the blog, which means you've been to, which probably means you've seen our Skins feature.
Introduced when we launched Ask3D last year, Skins allows you to change the design of the homepage. It was a small part of the whole Ask3D package, but it's quickly become popular on a millions-of-people level, all skinning to their hearts' content.
And many skins users requested upgrades--the most-requested one being the ability to allow them to upload their own images.
Today, we're happy to announce just that upgrade.
All you have to do is use the new upload feature on Skins.
Let's say you have a really sweet photo, like this one we took of the team that worked on the Skins project, and you want to add it to the Ask homepage.
Click the Skins bubble on the Ask homepage:
Click the "Upload Your Own" button to reveal the upload dialog.
You can select an image from your computer or enter an image URL. I have this image on my computer, so I used the browse button to find it. Don't forget to the check the box that Legal team made us add; then click the "I Agree" button.
Now you can decide on a name for your skin, which color text to use, and where you would like the skin aligned on the homepage.
Here are some examples of different anchor points:
Once you're done, click the "Next" button to confirm your new skin.
Does everything look OK to you? If not, you can always go back and make some changes. I like mine the way it is, so I'm going to click the "Use This Skin Now" button and just like magic: the Ask homepage is my own!
Browsing Skins
Or maybe you're the kind of person who appreciates variety. We've also added more images to our library and introduced the ability to easily browse them--including the skins you've uploaded yourself. Just go to or click the "See All Skins" button in the Skins bubble on the homepage.
It's so easy to use, what more is there to say?
Erik Collier
Director of Product Management
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